Mojo brushes mascot


The brush bundles I’m making for Krita (originally a set for MyPaint) is named Mojo in tribute to a manga character, but of course I can’t use that manga character to promote the brushes. So I whomped up a bouncy redhead, sort of an extreme polar opposite to our long-suffering mojo, so that I’d have some sort of pretty, decorative art to go along with the posts on deviantArt.

The whole thing is done with the Mojo brushes, so it’s also a demonstration of the goods. The painterly painting bit in particular was done with Stroker Modeler, for the most part. It’s a nice brush for cartoonists to cheat with, because literally the only colors I had to select to rush this piece into creation was one flesh tone, one hair color, etc. It’s not the sort of thing you should do if you’re a real artist, I guess, but some of us need training wheels.

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